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(Proverbs 17:17) Yahweh, You created us for relationship—not only with You (although that’s all we need), but also with other human beings. When You saw that Adam was alone, You said it was “not good,” so You created a partner for him in Eve. When You came to this earth as a human being, You surrounded Yourself with friends, colleagues, and disciples—to learn from You, yes, but also to walk with You. All throughout Scripture, You teach us and show us the importance of relationship and community. In light of that, God, I ask You to bring people into ___’s with which they can build deep, authentic, lasting relationship. Cross ___’s path with people who will love them with Your love and encourage them in Your grace and truth. As You never leave us nor fail to love us, Father, I ask You to give ___ friends and confidantes who will “love [them] no matter what” and stick with them “through all kinds of trouble,” as the Proverb says. May ___ feel Your acceptance and love through those around them. Amen.

A Prayer for Loyal, Loving Friends

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  • Prayer Written By: Kevin Horner

    Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)

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