(1 Samuel 17:50) God, Your Word makes it clear that You’ve always been a fan of the underdog story. As Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 12, Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Father, You didn’t come to save the healthy, but the sick. You said the “first will be last” and the “last will be first.” Lord, when David stepped up to Goliath with just a sling and a stone, everyone counted him out—everyone considered the battle already to be lost. But that’s not the story You wrote. Father, ___ is facing several “Goliaths” in their life right now—fear, anxiety, stress, difficult people, difficult circumstances. The world is telling ___ that they can’t win, that the result has already been decided. But we know that’s not the story You’ve written for ___’s life, Father. Because of their commitment and trust in You, Your Holy Spirit lives inside of ___, empowering them to live a life of joy, peace, love, and victory. This week, through Your Holy Spirit, equip ___ with what they need to triumph over their circumstances—in the name of Jesus—just like David triumphed over Goliath. Thank You for the incredible power to which You give us access, Lord. Amen.
A Sling & a Stone (Victory)
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Prayer Written By: Kevin Horner
Default Bible Translation: New International Version (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)