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(Romans 12:2) Father, on top of Your endless mercy, grace, and love, You have given us another beautiful, powerful, and unique gift: the mind. You not only give us the power to think, process, and experience emotions, but in Your grace and love, You also give us the free will to make our own decisions. In that freedom, we can choose to love You, obey Your commands, and follow Your Holy Spirit, or we can choose to set our own path and seek what’s best for us personally. Thank You for this gift, Lord, and in light of this gift, I ask for Your help. I lift up ___ to You, Father. Through Your Holy Spirit, empower ___ to choose to fill their mind with Your truth, Your goodness, and Your commands. Transform ___’s way of thinking to be distinct from the “ideals and opinions” of the culture around them. In Your mercy and grace, grant ___ wisdom and discernment to know, understand, and embrace Your will, and, as Paul says in Romans 12, “live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in [Your] eyes.” Thank You for the gift of our minds, Father. Amen.

A Total Reformation

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  • Prayer Written By: Kevin Horner

    Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)

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