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(Isaiah 43:19) Lord Jesus, as You know, ___ is in the middle of the wilderness. For reasons unknown to me—but not to You—___ is living in a season of dryness, struggle, and frustration. Although their dedication and commitment to You remain strong, ___ has not been experiencing the joy, hope, and love You promise to all those who love and trust You. Still, Father, I thank You and praise You that, even when we cannot see it, Your love continues to work in the lives of Your disciples. I know that’s true in ___’s life, God. I can still see Your work in them. But Lord, right now, ___ needs Your encouragement. They need You to remind them that You are a God who “makes a way in the wilderness.” You are a Creator who “opens up flowing streams in the desert.” Just as You provided food, water, and guidance for the Israelites in the desert, Yahweh, I know You also can spring to life love, joy, and peace in ___’s like right now, even during this time of wilderness. So, Father, in light of Your good character, I ask You to do “something brand new, something unheard of” in ___’s life. Sprout and grow Your joy, Your love, Your hope, and Your peace in them right now. Through Your Holy Spirit, renew ___’s heart, soul, and mind. Show them Your way in the wilderness, Lord. Amen.

A Way in the Wilderness

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  • Prayer Written By: Kevin Horner

    Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)

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