(1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Lord, ___ is struggling with staying abstinent. ___ desires to remain sexual pure, but ___ is fighting lust and yearnings beyond one’s control. Lord, give ___ the strength to say ‘no’ to the temptations of the enemy, in Jesus’ name. Break every stronghold and soul tie that is keeping ___ from pursuing holiness and purity with all one’s might, in Jesus’ name. Deliver ___ from the sin and guilt of any past mistakes and any current mistakes, in Your Son Jesus’ name. Provide examples of godly couples who successfully remained pure before marriage. Show ___ that You desire for Your children to be set apart, and that remaining pure is possible and pleasing in Your sight. Renew ___‘s desire to walk in Your ways and glorify You through this single season. Surround ___ with godly friends and loved ones who will hold ___ accountable in this journey of abstinence. Lord, I know ___ will receive the rewards of being obedient to You. Thank You for being by __’s side and never leaving or forsaking ___ in one’s time of dire need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Prayer Written By: Nadia Guy
Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)