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(Philippians 4:8) Lord, You did not create us as stagnant, fixed beings. Yes, You created us in Your image, but in that intentional design, You left us unfinished—You left work still to be done. We know this wasn’t a mistake or an accident, but deliberate. You want us to grow, to mature, and to become more and more like Your Son, Jesus, as we move forward in our lives. In Your love, Father, You gave us both the responsibility and the privilege to join You in the process of sanctification. Thank You for that gift, Lord. A large part of that process involves our mind—what we consume, think about, and dwell on inside of our brains. Because of that, Father, I ask You to fix ___’s mind on You above all else. Through Your Holy Spirit, empower ___ to think about “all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind.” God, flood ___’s memory with Your works in their life, of examples of Your grace, mercy, and love in their past, present, and future. Fix ___’s mind on You and You alone, Yahweh. Amen.

Fix Your Thoughts on God

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  • Prayer Written By: Kevin Horner

    Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)

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