(Ecclesiastes 4:12) Father, thank You for the strength that comes when You unite two people in covenant. Thank You for the infinite strength that comes when they chose to put You at the center of their union. I pray that as ___ and ___ grow their relationship that they view it as a bond of three. Be with them always, bestowing blessings on them and holding them close when they need You most. The sanctity of marriage is under attack as the enemy views marriage as a threat because it is a true example of Christ and His church. I pray they can see these attacks from far off with their spiritual eyes and call on Your name to help them withstand any attempts of the enemy to drive a wedge between them. Give (groom) the direction and strength to be the spiritual head of the household and lead (bride) and their children in Your ways all the days of their lives. May ___ and ___ partner together in prayer and fasting to contend to keep You at the center of all they do. I pray nothing and no one separates them from Your love and their love for one another. Keep them in the center of Your love, always and forever! Amen.
God at the Center (Engagement/Wedding)
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Prayer Written By: Amber Ballance
Default Bible Translation: The Passion Translation (all Bible verses will be converted to chosen translation for your eBook)